Financial Goal Future Value- How to calculate?(Telugu)
Your financial goal will increase because of inflation in future. …
Investment delay-How many crores you will lose?
An investment delay will cost you very much. You may lose crores of wealth also in the long run. In this article, I will explain how many crores you will lose with an example. Case Study for Investment Delay… There are two persons, Ram and Shyam, whose age is 23 years. Both got a job recently, and the salary per month is Rs 50,000. The salary growth rate expected is 5% every year. Both of them can save up to 20% of the salary per month (Rs. 10,000). But only Ram started doing investments of Rs. 10,000 per month. While …
CAGR( Compounded Annuilized Growth Return)- How it is calculated? (Telugu)
CAGR means that we will get interest on interest on our investment. …
Inflation- What it is? How it decreases purchasing power of money? (Telugu)
These days you may have heard about inflation in Media. In this article, I will explain how it decreases the purchasing power of money. What is Inflation? For example, you have vacant land in your city. There is a large number of people are willing to buy your land. Then the price of the land will increase significantly. The increase in the price of goods and services is called Inflation. Example your real estate price increase because of this only. What is Deflation? If is just reverse to Inflation. If there are no one or very few buyers are willing …
Absolute Return or Total Return- What is it and How it is Calculated?( Telugu)
Absolute return means how much total profit you got as a percentage on your investment. …
Simple interest Rate- What is it and How it is calculated? (Telugu)
In Simple Interest, Interest on int will not be paid.As a result of this Compounding Interest benefit is not there. Read this article about Return calculation in Real estate etc Simple Interest Explained with an Example How to calculate it? : Lets take a Example to understand it Better. For Example you have invested Rs.1,00,000 and received Rs.2,00,000 after 10 years. Then What is the Simple Int rate in this Investment? As I said above, In this compounding Effect will not be there. There will be fixed interest upfront and that int will not be added to the principle amount …
VRK Diet- What it is?How to Cure Diabetes with out Vrk Diet?
Vrk Diet to Cure Diabetes and to lose Over Weight is famous in India. Now many people are following this Diet in India. Do not watch the video in this article, if you do not Telugu. As the language spoken in the video is Telugu. Who Invented Vrk Diet? Veeramachaneni Rama Krishna invested this diet. He is from Andhra Pradesh, India. Therefore it is called a Vrk Diet. This diet brought a revolutionary change in Indian medical history. He says that more fat intake will reduce overweight and cures diabetes. Vrk has a Freind. That friend has Diabetes. He advised the …
EPF WITH DRAWAL- How to with draw online ? ( Telugu)
Now EPF with drawal can be done online. …
EPF Balance – How to check online? ( Telugu)
EPF Balance online EPF department started facility to check your EPF balance online. In Employee has to contribute 12% of his basic salary. Employer will contribute 3.67% to wards EPF and 8.33% of basic salary towards EPS. Now EPF department started facility to check EPF balance online. In EPF interest will be paid for every completed months. click this link to know EPF NOMINATION RULES and How to change nominee online. To know how to check epf balance online watch this telugu video. …
Pan Number Linking Online and with SMS ( Telugu)
Now aadhaar number and Pan Number can be linked online and with SMS also. …