Gold Price today – How to arrive in Indian Rupees?
Gold Price today in Indian rupees is the word. Many people search for this word on Google frequently. But do you know how this price will be arrived? If you do not know, then read this article. In addition, Majority of the gold mining is done in New Zealand, South Africa, etc Moreover, the currency accepted in selling the gold in these countries is the US dollar. What is the one-ounce gold price at present?… You can see in the image that the one-ounce gold price is 2507.90 in these countries. In addition, Majoorith or all of these …
call girls – How to save money for their future?
Call girls are also part and parcel of our society. As per my limited knowledge, I remember that the Supreme Court has ordered that prostitution these days is not illeagual. In addition, they will select this profession for earning money. However, human trafficking for the sake of prostitution or for any other purposes is illegal. In addition, I believe that one day in India, these girls will get a license from the government to do the prostitution. But it will take decades to happen like that. Thought: We Indians think about sex in our minds. We feel or fear that …
best business idea for village – create incredible wealth
Best business idea for village, are you looking for this answer? to create an inredible wealth for you, then you are reading the right article. Read this complete article. Then you can start your own business with little investment, and it can build incredible for you. But do remember, every business has risk. And managing the risk is the key to the success of any business. What is the best business idea for village?… The best business idea for village, which I am talking about, is a monthly interest business. In addition, in villages, banks will not give personal loans …
Time Value of Money – How it will help you to take right decisions?
The time value of money will help us in our daily lives to make the right investment decisions. I have tried to explain this with a son (child) and parents example in this article, where parents are planning to inherit equallly to their three sons. A Case Study to Know the Importance of Time Value of Money… Three years ago, I got a client. In addition, he is a high-income earner. Moreover, he has two brothers, and my client is the elder son. Again, 2nd Brother started his career recently. And 3rd brother yet to start the career. My client’s …
NPS charges – all you need to know
Most people think Nps charges are too a low compared to other financial products. As a reuslt of they are enrolling for this pension product. But You should not only look into fund managing charges. In addition, You have to look total cost for enrolling for this scheme. We all know that NPS is one of the hot choices for many to invest for their retirement and also to save on tax. In addition It is up to you to decide whether to invest in it or not. However, in this post, let me share the charges of investing in …
NPS vatsalya scheme – All you need to know
The Govt. of India launched the NPS vatsalya scheme to secure minor children’s future. Let us explore the features, benefits, and disadvantages in this article. NPS Vatsalya Scheme Eligibility, Features, Benefits, and Disadvantages… Any Indian citizen below 18 years of age is eligible for this scheme. and Non-Resident Indians (NRI) and Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) who are under 18 years of age can invest in this scheme. In addition, parents or guardians can open this account on behalf of minors. And parents must operate this NPS vatsalya scheme account till minors become majors. CRA will issue a pension retirement account …
sukanya Samridhi Yojana – 5 intersting facts
In SSY i.e sukanya samridhi yojana 5 interesting facts I am telling you in this article. Many investing in this scheme. But you may not be knowing the facts that I am going to tell You in this article. Lets discuss in discuss them in detail in this article. Transer of sukanaya samridhi yojana account… It is not mandatory for you to hold this account till maturity upto maturity in same bank or in same post office. In addition, You can easily transer this account from post office to bank or bank to post office, and in between post offices …
SSY – Sukanya Samridhi Yojana Exel Calculator
Sukanay Samridhi Yojana (ssy) exel calculator can be downloaded from this article and You can calculate the maturity amount and withdrawal amount with it. Sukanya Samridhi Yojana (ssy ) Exel Calculator… By using this calculator, You can enter monthly deposit amount. In addition present age of the child and also depite time eighter before 5th or after 5th. and interest rate also you can edit in the sheet. In addition, maturity amount and withdrawal allowed or not will automatically be calculated. Download exel calculator with this link Let me explain the features of the Template… You have to enter age …
nifty level prediction 2025 – All you need to know
We all know that equity (nifty 50) investment is a very good option to invest your hard-earned money. But what will be the Nifty 50 level 2025 for it? We have to do nifty investment In order to beat the inflation. But we always know that equity investment is associated with a high level of risk and it may also erode your capital if you end up investing at the wrong time. And it may take months or even years to recover capital. When you are talking about equity investment or equity analysis, we can resist our selves talking about …