Return of Premium in Term Insurance – is it beneficial to you?
Most of you know to protect your dependents in your absence, you need to take term insurance. But recently Exide Life Insurance started a return of premium term insurance. You know that a Normal Term Life Insurance Policy will not give you back any premiums at the time of maturity. But this exide term policy is offering to repay full premiums paid. Their offer may look amazing to some of you. Let’s try to understand in this article, taking this insurance policy which gives premiums back at the time of maturity. Read this article why you should not take …
Donation Seat – Why it is not good for higher education?
Donation seat is one of the options for the parents when their children didn’t get a good enough rank in entrance exams for higher education like Medical, Engineering, M.B.A, and I.I.T, etc… In addition, Parents think that in buying donation seats that they can secure their children’s futures. But in many cases, it is not true. I know a lady who had completed dentistry, and She got the set with a donation of Rs.50,00,000. In addition, She is working now for a salary of Rs.15,000 per month in a Dental Hospital. Do You think that her father made a good …