1) MWP Act DEATH CLAIM BENEFIT : Death Claim Benefit will be paid to wife and children(Life Insurance Nominee) if the life insurance policy was taken under MWP ACT. 2) MWP ACT NOMINEE? In this act endorsed policies wife and children will be nominees. 3) Lenders right over Death Benefit? Lenders can not claim the claim in the courts according to this act lenders cannot claim the amount received from this kind policies. Watch youtube video which I made about this ACT. Also, click this link to read How to do investment planning with the claim amount received by Nominee …
EMI of a Loan- How to Calculate it? ( Telugu)
1) EMI of a Loan- How to Calculate it? ( Telugu) For Calculating it for a loan, you need three parameters. 1. Loan amount required. 2. No. of months of the repayment period 3. The Interest rate on loans. If you know all the above parameters you can easily calculate the “EMI” of a loan. There is a simple way to calculate “equated monthly installment” of loans in Micro soft Excel. If you type =pmt( then in Excel formulae will open like this. By seeing the formulae above you can enter the values and then click the “Enter” button …
Life Insurance Death Claim- How to invest this Death Claim Amount? (Telugu)
Term Life Insurance covers pure risk only. Term Life Insurance has no bonus and maturity. People are looking for pure risk only these days. A Lic Employee called me over the phone recently. She is a regular visitor of my Paisa Health youtube channel. The Reason is there is a LIfe Insurance Death claim in her family. For Nominee Investing Death claim amount not known… Also, Read the article about EPF nomination benefits and rules… click here to read. What is her need? : Recently her cousin’s son was dead. His age is 30 years. He has a mother and …
Bond Maturity and Interest Rate in Apgli and Tsgli- Do You know?
Bond maturity and interest rate of APGLI and TSGLI, I will explain in this article. Are you looking for investments to generate wealth for your goals? Read this article to know a better way. Click here to read. The video got more than 10,000 views and it became viral. In spite of bad video quality I felt some more clarity and information about APGLI MATURITY and interest rate can be given, so writing this article to give more information. , Few Police Department employees in East Godavari are my clients those days. You can use this APGLI online calculator to …
INVESTMENT PLANNING-What is in our hand? (Telugu)
what is Investment? : We earn money every month. We have to save some money for our future financial needs. Investment planning required for this purpose. After doing this planning Investments has to be done. We have to consider few parameters while doing this planing like Inflation, expected Return on Investment, No of years left for the goal and amount available to invest immediately etc. Read this article about inflation and its effect on Purchasing power Future Value of Investment : In Investment Planning Time Value of Money plays an important role. Formulae For Future Value = PV*(1+R)^N Pv means …
Investment Future Value- How to Calculate it? (Telugu)
We all work and earn money for our daily household expenses. Then we will spend on household expenses, we try to do investment in the mutual fund, shares, real estate and Life insurance etc for our future Financial needs. Banks will print investment Future value on the deposit slip You may be thinking to buy a house or planning for child higher education etc. But before starting to do invest, it is always better to calculate the future value that you will get from your investment. When you deposit money in Bank Fixed Deposits, They will issue Deposit slip stating the maturity value. …
Financial Goal Future Value- How to calculate?(Telugu)
Your financial goal will increase because of inflation in future. …
Investment delay-How many crores you will lose?
An investment delay will cost you very much. You may lose crores of wealth also in the long run. In this article, I will explain how many crores you will lose with an example. Case Study for Investment Delay… There are two persons, Ram and Shyam, whose age is 23 years. Both got a job recently, and the salary per month is Rs 50,000. The salary growth rate expected is 5% every year. Both of them can save up to 20% of the salary per month (Rs. 10,000). But only Ram started doing investments of Rs. 10,000 per month. While …
CAGR( Compounded Annuilized Growth Return)- How it is calculated? (Telugu)
CAGR means that we will get interest on interest on our investment. …
Inflation- What it is? How it decreases purchasing power of money? (Telugu)
These days you may have heard about inflation in Media. In this article, I will explain how it decreases the purchasing power of money. What is Inflation? For example, you have vacant land in your city. There is a large number of people are willing to buy your land. Then the price of the land will increase significantly. The increase in the price of goods and services is called Inflation. Example your real estate price increase because of this only. What is Deflation? If is just reverse to Inflation. If there are no one or very few buyers are willing …