best sip date for mutual funds – All you need to know

Best sip date for mutual fund investment, Many investors search for this word in search engines.
What is sip mutual funds?….
Sip means systematic investment plan.
In addition, this is not a scheme or product.
And this is a strategy to invest in.
In which a fixed amount of money is invested every month or every quarter or on a daily basis in some mutual funds for the selected term.
And the mutual fund company allots you mutual fund units on the date of paying the sip installment.
But people have some fancies; they do research for the best delivery date for the pregnant to deliver the baby.
And investors also have fancies and beliefs and they are also searching for the best sip date in a month in mutual funds.
In this article, I did some research and came up with a result for the best date sip in Nifty 50.
What is the best date for a sip-in a mutual fund scheme in a month? …
I have taken nifty 50 historical values and calculated sip corpus and return on investment.
And sip start I have is from 01-01-2000 to 28-01-2000.
Moreover, the sip is assumed to continue for 240 months.
And the sip amount is Rs. 1,000.
In addition, the corpus accumulated for all sip dates is 9.2 lakh only.
And return on investment is around 12% only for all the sip dates.
Finally, it is very clear that there is no best sip date for mutual funds.
And whatever the sip date, the corpus accumulated and the return on investment are almost the same.
Moreover, you can find my research in the below exe file.
You can see in the above chart that there are a lot of dips in nifty values from year 2000 to year 2020.
In spite of that, all dips of the nifty 50 sip for Rs. 1000 gave 12% cagr.
Moreover, you will get more units when there is a dip and fewer units when nifty rises due to rupee cost averaging.
However, you should remember, the corpus accumulated in equity investment is not safe.
After creating good wealth in 20 years of time, and if there is a correction of 30% suddenly.
Then, your accumulated wealth will also come down by 30% along with the market.
So, it is always wise to follow the asset allocation based on your risk profile in order to prevent your wealth along with wealth creation.
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