One Crore – Term Life Insurance – Why You should not take?
One crore term life insurance—is it the right coverage? Many people have questions in their minds. Why people always ask about 1 crore life term insurance. There seems to be some mental blocking. Here, in this article, I will explain the reason behind this. Unable to calculate the term insurance required… People really do not know the life insurance coverage that they need to take. I will explain in a simple way. There are two methods that planners like me will follow to advise life insurance requirements to our clients. They are… Human Life value Method Need-based Analysis. For example, …
Life Insurance Planning- How much insurance you required under need-based method?
Life insurance planning is very important in insurance planning. In addition, there are two methods that you can plan to take a life insurance policy. 1. Human Life Value or Income Replacement Method. 2. Need-based method. The life insurance coverage required you can calculate with any one of the methods. In the first place, you should know that life insurance and insurance should not be mixed (read this), and also term insurance is the only policy that is good to take in life insurance to protect dependents from financial loss. Soon I will write an article about the term life insurance …