Term Insurance – Why you should not buy 1 crore Policy?
People are asking me about life insurance requirement etc. One of the regular they ask is term insurance for 1 crore policy is a good idea or not. Why people always ask about 1 crore life term insurance. There seems to be some mental blocking. Here, in this article I will explain the reason behind this. Unable to Calculate the term insurance required… People really do not know the life insurance coverage that they need to take. I will explain in a simple way. There are two methods that planners like me will follow to advise life insurance requirement to …
Income Tax Slab zero tax percetage- is raised in Budget 2019 to 5 lakh or not?
On 01-01-2019, Government of India announced few amendments on Taxable income of Individuals in interim budget 2019. There are some people spreading the news just before the budget speech is completed in parliament that zero tax percentage in income tax slab for the individuals has been raised to 5 lakh rupees. Understanding budget is easy now a days. New tax rules, we can understand win in few hours of budget speech completed. Let’s understand Section 87 A new tax rebate. Click here to understand it. What is the new income zero percentage slab now? from 1st April, 2019… It is …
Revised Tax Rebate under Section 87 A ( Financial year 2019-2020) Explained.
The interim budget has proposed a change in Section 87 A for the financial year 2019-2020. There is a slight change in the tax rebate. What are the current Provisions in Section 87 A of Income TAx Act?… According current rules, if you are resident individual and your total income after all eligible deductions is equal to or less than 3.5 lack then a tax rebate of Rs.2,500 applies to the total tax payable before 4% educational cess. If you tax payable is less than Rs.2,500 then the entire amount is discounted. Revised Tax Rebate under Section 87 A(F.Y 2019-2020)… …